"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people." - Colossians 3:23
Such a powerful scripture and completely necessary to remember when you are a Christian business owner. I have an errand running service, and although I had read this passage many times in my bible, it had never really convicted me… until one day, which I now refer to as “The Sugar Smack Incident.” Here’s what happened.
We had a client who every 2 weeks would send us a list of about 25-30 items, and it would literally take well over 4 hours, visiting about 7 – 8 different stores to complete it entirely. One of the regular items on this list was Sugar Smacks, which, just so you know, cannot be found just anywhere in Honolulu consistently. One day I had to apologize to him for taking so long due to trying to find this cereal. He then said to me not to worry about it and If I couldn’t find it next time, it was ok not to get them.
Well Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! When next time came around and I couldn’t easily find them, I just didn’t get them. No sweat off my back. It saved quite a bit of time and a tremendous amount of stress, and since he had told me it was alright, it was all good. Bye-Bye Sugar Smacks! But, something didn’t feel quite right when I made that delivery. So, I did what any normal business owner would do, I ignored the feeling and went about my day, sensing this wasn’t over. Wouldn’t you know it, OUT OF NOWHERE, immediately after this happened, the above scripture came out on the radio. It was like a piercing through my heart. All I could think about was that if it had been Jesus asking me for Sugar Smacks, I would have driven from Hawaii Kai to North Shore to find them. I would have done it happily and with excitement of pleasing my Lord. I probably would have even stopped somewhere to get Him some new bowls for His favorite cereal and done it all for free.
What a change in my mindset that occurred so suddenly that day. To know that I was looking at everyone all wrong and not recognizing Jesus in those who were blessing our new business. It changed my heart, and even though that was several years ago, it completely shifted how I see and treat others. The level of service we are willing to provide to every client to ensure they get exactly what they are asking us for is is officially in our hearts. Not only is this instilled in me, but everyone who works with me is lead with the same concept.
Thank you for taking the time to read our first blog. I ask that Jesus blesses you and your family while lighting up your path so brightly that you never lose sight of Him.
God bless you,
Donna Lynn Rodriguez, B Everywhere Errands & Concierge